Release Notes
v1.98.0 2025-02-18
#45: [System] Update PHP version to 7.4
v1.97.1 2025-02-13
#39: [Logbook] Tip assignment does not work
v1.97.0 2025-02-04
#32: [Logbook] Tax calculation new formula
#22: [Telemetry] Adjust Telemetry forms to customer-specific needs
#21: [Logbook] Value will revert back if something went wrong while updating cell
#19: [System] Adjustments in session handling
#9: [Booking] Fix rerendering of calendar header on new search.
#8: [Booking] Add static content to client specific email on car assigned
v1.96.2 2025-01-27
#30: [Import] Fixed error during data import from CSV files
#16: [Logbook] Fix driver complaint notifications
#7: [User] Fixed new user label validation issues
#6: [Import] Fixed minor issues in CSV import
v1.96.1 2024-12-17
#18: [Misc] Minor changes
v1.96.0 2024-12-02
POR-643: [ECO] Adjusted log level for lookups in message composer
POR-625: [System] Small fixes in address handling
POR-571: [Telemetry] Extended the description of logbox error memory, added new “Wake sensitivity” parameter
POR-523: [Vehicle] Add sorting to vehicle reminders
POR-472: [System] Improvements in session handling
POR-352: [System] Optimize amount of sent mails
POR-297: [Logbook] Added right that disables the possibility to merge trips
v1.95.9 2024-11-25
POR-657: [Booking] Fix issue Resource not found
v1.95.8 2024-11-18
POR-634: [Booking] Fix issue with empty “legs” column on saving bookings
POR-632: [System] Minor improvements
POR-628: [ECO] Adjusted vehicle status handling
POR-620: [Misc] Customer related mail content adjustment
POR-581: [Booking] Fix FM can “Create/Delete booking for any user”
POR-549: [Logbook] Improve logbook address editing
POR-505: [System] Minor improvements
POR-229: [Booking] Improve performance of slow query
v1.95.7 2024-11-05
POR-515: [SSO] Improved handling of SSO adapters
v1.95.6 2024-10-29
POR-602: [System] Build process improvements
POR-498: [User] User Identifications improvements and fixes
v1.95.5 2024-10-23
POR-539: [ECO] Improved delete action detection
v1.95.4 2024-10-17
POR-612: [Booking] If “driver must have label” setting is set to NO - allow users to make a booking.
v1.95.3 2024-10-08
POR-608: [Booking] Fix address issues in booking
POR-607: [Booking] Added worker to fix the broken bookings
v1.95.2 2024-09-30
POR-583: [Booking] Improve performance of addresses in booking
POR-563: [Logbook] Fix wrong destination address in Logbook CSV export
POR-519: [Vehicle] Small fixes on Modifying Vehicle’s Dates
POR-502: [System] Error handling improvements
POR-349: [Logbook] Resolved layout issues that occurred when merging trips.
v1.95.1 2024-09-24
POR-567: [User] Fix bug in user import handling
POR-539: [ECO] Async driver topic message handling
POR-514: [Booking] Fixed display error in the calendar view of booking form
v1.95.0 2024-09-23
POR-566: [Export] Fixed CSV Export for vehicles incorrect mileage values
POR-485: [Menu] Added new entry to select: “ECO List” under “License Check” menu
POR-463: [Booking] FM can “Create/Delete booking for any user”
POR-444: [Logbook] Improved unplugged trips processing
POR-315: [User] Added new guidelines in self-registration form.
v1.94.6 2024-09-18
POR-558: [System] Fix autocomplete issue
v1.94.5 2024-09-16
POR-555: [Logbook] Mileage adjustment popup not displayed
POR-524: [System] Stability improvements
v1.94.4 2024-09-12
POR-553: [SSO] Customer related adjustment
v1.94.3 2024-09-11
POR-551: [SSO] Customer related adjustment
POR-496: [User] Performance improvements for User Identifications.
v1.94.2 2024-09-04
POR-521: [SSO] Minor adjustments
POR-512: [SSO] Minor adjustments
v1.94.1 2024-08-29
POR-500: [Telemetry] Fixed issue with not given date of activation
POR-411: [SSO] Add PKCE support
v1.94.0 2024-08-28
POR-356: [API] Add API company endpoint to swagger doc
POR-461: [User] Minor improvements
POR-193: [Telemetry] Add better VIN validation
POR-23: [System] Minor improvements
v1.93.5 2024-08-22
POR-474: [ECO] Fix sync license checks from key vaults
POR-435: [Logbook] Removed html characters in mileage change popup
v1.93.4 2024-08-21
POR-456: [ECO] Dedicated Check Stations always sync to ECO
POR-474: [ECO] Sync license checks from key vaults
v1.93.3 2024-08-20
POR-471: [Logbook] Fix address update
POR-459: [User] Changed link to change password
POR-407: [Telemetry] Fixed issue where vehicle blocked at the initial unlock date despite prolonging it
POR-246: [Logbook] Improve performance on escalation system
v1.93.2 2024-08-12
POR-468: [ECO] Enable SSO for sync customer
POR-467: [ECO] Fix driver data types
v1.93.1 2024-08-07
POR-458: [System] Stability improvements
v1.93.0 2024-07-31
POR-415: [Telemetry] Add recipient for telemetry mails
POR-409: [Telemetry] Text changes in the “OBD Vehicle Disconnect” form popups
POR-382: [System] Update PDF library to latest version
POR-386: [Export] Additional Column with the vehicle division in the Booking Export
POR-331: [User] Added new setting to change reset password behavior
POR-165: [Logbook] Added settings for more flexible Unplugged trips conversion trip data update.
v1.92.2 2024-07-31
POR-445: [Logbook] Fixed issue when checkboxes for combining trip were not displayed in the list
POR-443: [Booking] Fix rare error on some bookings
POR-437: [Export] Fixed Logbook pdf template
POR-434: [Logbook] Fix broken tracking route
POR-345: [Booking] Fix bug on reporting overbooked travels
v1.92.1 2024-07-22
POR-425: [ECO] Map tradeName for vehicle class
POR-420: [ECO] Queue for ECO messages
POR-359: [Misc] Minor content adjustments
POR-348: [System] Changed 2FA QR code provider
POR-344: [User] Fixed Users list ordering feature
v1.92.0 2024-07-15
POR-403: [Export] Added VIN to pdf export
POR-399: [LMS] Added menu link with redirect to ECO implementation of LMS
POR-339: [LicenseCheck] Added config date option for e-mails are sent to inform about upcoming expire date of a driver license
POR-337: [System] Implement new address handling in trip processing
POR-335: [System] Consider new address handling in privacy mode
POR-293: [System] Use trip addresses as proxy for new address handling
v1.91.2 2024-07-11
POR-418: [Misc] Minor changes
POR-417: [Booking] Improved date comparison to enforce booking restrictions accurately
POR-413: [Telemetry] Fix small bug on vehicle disconnect
POR-283: [User] Fix date formatting function
v1.91.1 2024-07-08
POR-408: [System] Minor fix in error handling
POR-405: [System] Remove unnecessary OBD2parse logging
POR-401: [ECO] Label push improvements
POR-400: [System] Add additional data on API V2 exception responses
POR-360: [Logbook] Fix bug in trip address editing
POR-326: [Booking] Fixed issue with the calendar not worked when two calendars were opened
POR-250: [Logbook] Improve performance of slow trip count query
POR-248: [Logbook] Improve performance of slow trip calculation query
POR-242: [Logbook] Fix tmc checkmark not visible in the fleetbook
POR-7: [Booking] Fixed unexpected driver license check message on create booking view
v1.91.0 2024-06-25
POR-198: [ECO] Sync service for labels
POR-321: [Telemetry] Change popup text and color in “OBD Vehicle Connect/Disconnect” forms
POR-275: [System] General stability improvements
POR-273: [Export] Added license plate number and vehicle model to pdf export
v1.90.6 2024-06-19
POR-377: [ECO] Adjusted user topic payload
POR-380: [Logbook] Fixed minor vehicle disconnection issue
v1.90.5 2024-06-17
POR-372: [Misc] Minor changes
v1.90.4 2024-06-12
POR-370: [Misc] Minor changes
v1.90.3 2024-06-10
POR-368: [Misc] Minor changes
v1.90.2 2024-06-06
POR-358: [Logbook] Transfer job drivers using Smart card could not be found (Timezone issue)
v1.90.1 2024-06-03
POR-328: [Logbook] Fixed cases when there are more than 2 Work-Home trips recognized per day
POR-327: [Logbook] Fixed case when Work-Home trips were not being combined
POR-291: [Logbook] Fixed calculation of vehicle fuel consumption in CSV Export
POR-212: [Vehicle] Fixed setting incorrect mileage to vehicle after it is disconnected from OBD
POR-28: [Telemetry] Fixed case when last vehicle trip is lost after it is disconnected from OBD
v1.90.0 2024-05-27
POR-301: [System] Added forbidden fields which synced with ECO. Fixed critical bugs
POR-285: [Booking] Add Division filter on the booking list
POR-271: [Telemetry] Added setting to change mileage threshold for disconnect OBD-vehicle form
POR-258: [Menu] Added new menu entries to select: Eco User, Eco Vehicle and Eco Division
POR-255: [Booking] Added tooltip to display cancellation reasons on the booking list
POR-253: [Vehicle] Hide Wasserstoff fuel level and the consumption
POR-234: [Booking] Added specific cancellation reasons to booking cancellation email
POR-227: [Logbook] Added notification to responsible FM about OBD Unplug Event
POR-184: [Booking] New feature for restricting private bookings to weekends only
POR-149: [System] Prepare change of address handling and usage
v1.89.2 2024-05-14
POR-323: [Misc] Minor changes
POR-322: [Misc] Minor changes
POR-314: [Booking] Add extra information for the error booking_max_days_in_future
POR-282: [Booking] Costcenter field is not filled on booking edit form
POR-281: [Booking] Appointment title is not updated in booking
POR-226: [Booking] Fix calendar in complex booking form
v1.89.1 2024-04-29
POR-309: [Booking] Fix number of seats issue for synced vehicles
POR-303: [System] Fixed redirect handling
POR-300: [Telemetry] Change popup text in “Connect OBD” form
POR-296: [Booking] Fix for company location filtering in booking list
POR-288: [User] Fix Pool management in User list
POR-283: [User] Get all users independently of identification
POR-267: [OBU] Disconnecting vehicle from OBU widget fix
POR-257: [Logbook] Fix bug preventing warning popup to show up on trip merging
POR-252: [LMS] Improved escalation email message
v1.89.0 2024-04-22
POR-244: [Logbook] Improved performance on processing new trips
POR-224: [User] Self-Registration form: added setting for validate name/surname, error messages
POR-222: [System] Improvements to Maintenance warning tool
POR-177: [System] Cleaning from old document system
POR-61: [Booking] Enhance booking confirmation email by appending custom content from settings
v1.88.2 2024-04-18
POR-295: [Booking] Updated date handling in “checkBookingValidity” to prevent format errors
POR-290: [Booking] Improved error message to display booking_max_days_in_future when booking exceeds
POR-29: [System] Small fix for user address handling
v1.88.1 2024-04-10
POR-262: [System] Moved forbidden fields check away from Model::update method
POR-14: [Misc] Minor changes
v1.88.0 2024-04-02
POR-204: [Misc] Minor changes
POR-174: [Support] Move support files to new file system
POR-171: [Booking] FM can “Create booking for any user” on the company with the right
POR-142: [Vehicle] Added export button for vehicle reminders list
POR-141: [Booking] Added email address of traveler and booking creator to booking export
POR-74: [Telemetry] Double-check mileage on connect vehicle form
POR-67: [User] Information message on user logged in
POR-49: [OBU] Added ability to cancel vehicle bookings when it is disconnected from OBU
POR-43: [System] Added Right to disable all fields that synced with ECO
POR-29: [System] Implement address transfer
POR-26: [System] Prepare address transfer
POR-4: [System] Synchronization interface between ECO and Portal
v1.87.3 2023-03-27
POR-211: [LMS] Fixed an issue where courses were not escalated
POR-205: [User] Fixed issue when user unable to save changed rights list.
POR-190: [Booking] Enhanced data privacy by automatically clearing vault and iButton information post-booking
POR-186: [LMS] Fixed problem when Fleet Manager sees courses from other divisions
POR-14: [Misc] Minor changes
v1.87.2 2024-02-22
POR-192: [Telemetry] Improve VIN validation and add corresponding setting
v1.87.1 2024-02-20
POR-191: [Vehicle] Fixed deleting vehicle documents
v1.87.0 2024-02-19
POR-187: [Misc] Undefined Index on Release Notes page
POR-181: [Importer] Fixed updating user email
POR-140: [Logbook] Fix trip merging in case of long trip list
POR-81: [Telemetry] Validate vin format on vehicle connect/disconnect
POR-55: [Helpdesk] Workaround for permanent beeping vehicles
POR-48: [Booking] Added setting for including vehicle charging time in booking process
POR-39: [User] Home/Office trips could not be converted after they are closed
POR-8: [Vehicle] Move Vehicle documents and damage reports to new file system
v1.86.2 2024-02-14
POR-179: [Import] Exception on user driver license update during Csv Import
POR-71: [Booking] Improved formatting of .ics attachments for booking cancellations
POR-60: [User] Fixed Pools selection for users in Root Division
v1.86.1 2024-02-05
POR-138: [System] Fixed errors related to the use of deprecated code
POR-66: [User] Fixed exceptions on “Label history” page
v1.86.0 2024-01-29
DLC-7364: [LicenseCheck] Added setting to switch license check list export
DLC-7355: [LicenseCheck] Implemented Gas Station driver licence check
LOG-1599: [Logbook] List with unknown driver should only contain vehicles, that are in the responsibility of the Fleetmanager
LOG-1595: [Logbook] Regular Fleet manager can change trip mileage if he has according permission.
LOG-1593: [Logbook] Change date and sim number positions in information from logbox
LOG-1521: [Logbook] Private trips should turn to business trips when a POI is detected
v1.85.1 2024-01-22
POR-57: [Helpdesk] Fixed error threw after successful car operation
SM-524: [Booking] Fixed ICS calendar issue: Ensure consistent organizer on booking updates
PHP-000: [Grafana] Fixed error logging issues
v1.85.0 2024-01-10
DLC-7357: [Import] Ignore absence of user’s SyncId for first synchronization
DLC-7352: [Import] Fuel tank data import configured for additional customer
LOG-1535: [Telemetry] Added setting for change validation mask for license plate in connect OBD vehicle form
LOG-1519: [API] Add API user endpoint to swagger doc
LOG-1424: [Logbook] Adjust type and occasion of new unplug trips by settings
SM-467: [Notifications] Test interface for notification service
v1.84.3 2024-01-08
DLC-7379: [Import] Fuel data import doesn’t work because of Fatal error
DLC-7377: [Import] CSV Import stops processing on if email validation is failed on empty email
LOG-1481: [Logbook] Fixed notification about changes in trip’s vehicle’s note
LOG-1283: [Logbook] Fixed transfer of cost center
SM-516: [Booking] Enhanced Order Consistency for Simultaneous Vault Operations
v1.84.2 2023-12-06
DLC-7370: [SSO] Added list of exclusion in order to skip SSO redirect
DLC-7315: [Misc] Minor changes
LOG-1565: [Logbook] Minor bugfix
v1.84.1 2023-11-28
DLC-7361: [Misc] Minor adjustments
DLC-6874: [SSO] Added support for subsidiaries with same IDP
SM-515: [Booking] Resolved issue with booking extension handling late key returns
v1.84.0 2023-11-21
DLC-7334: [Statistics] Move Statistics to new file system
DLC-7332: [LMS] Moved LMS Courses certificates to new file system
DLC-7322: [LicenseCheck] Fixed not showed location of the last driving license check
DLC-7311: [System] File storage improvements
LOG-1499: [System] Improve error code handling
SM-454: [Booking] Change booking confirmation email at SWM
v1.83.2 2023-11-15
DLC-7354: [Import] Fixed imported user driver role incorrect reset to default import driver role
DLC-7321: [User] New user not assigned to selected division as driver
LOG-1182: [Export] Fixed distance calculations in CSV export
LOG-1083: [Logbook] Minor fix for predefined trip reasons functionality
SM-392: [Booking] Implemented default time duration for rides that lack an estimated duration
v1.83.1 2023-10-30
DLC-7345: [Helpdesk] Fixed vehicle search
SM-501: [Booking] Changing ICS method to be compatible on Misc
v1.83.0 2023-10-23
DLC-7317: [Import] Import enabled for additional customers
DLC-7306: [Misc] Config update
DLC-7264: [System] Merge separated OBU logic
DLC-7244: [System] Merge separated trip logic
LOG-1083: [Logbook] Manual entry of trip reasons is no longer possible
SM-496: [Vault] Rename columns on vault ibutton history
v1.82.1 2023-10-16
DLC-7326: [Import] Fixed merge issue
DLC-7325: [Export] Csv Export trips type filter
SM-503: [Booking] Updating the booking completion process for a smoother experience
SM-499: [Booking] Adjusted booking completion logic for FM users to accurately finalize travels
v1.82.0 2023-10-04
DLC-7258: [Company] Company entity improvements
DLC-7248: [LicenseCheck] General stability improvements
LOG-1465: [System] Add error codes to API responses
LOG-1452: [Misc] Config update
v1.81.3 2023-09-28
DLC-7314: [Logbook] CSV Export of Trips is empty
LOG-1455: [Cron] Merging trips improvements
LOG-1283: [Logbook] Cost center transfer
SM-498: [Booking] Fix display of cost center on simple booking while editing
SM-495: [System] Improve database locking and transactions
v1.81.2 2023-09-25
DLC-7208: [Misc] Added new SSO adapter
SM-490: [Booking] Make the process of booking atomic and logging errors
v1.81.1 2023-09-19
LOG-1463: [Misc] Config update
LOG-1454: [Logbook] Fixed editing created missing trips with admin tool
LOG-1451: [Export] Fixed Trip type filter in CSV Export of “Trips”
LOG-1444: [Support] Towing trips tool changes
LOG-1430: [Logbook] Fix minor problem with trip merging
SM-494: [Vault] Fix bug on iButton history on yet assigned vehicles
SM-478: [System] - Resolve internal error in BasicAuth
SM-469: [Cron] Fix automatic rebooking cronjob
SM-444: [Booking] Booking date change was not being updated on the calendar
v1.81.0 2023-09-12
DLC-7298: [Division] Improvements for management of Drivers and Fleet Managers improvements
DLC-7290: [Vehicle] Additional Field in vehicle list
DLC-7272: [LicenseCheck] License check CSV Export improvements
DLC-7250: [LicenseCheck] General stability improvements
LOG-1422: [Export] Time could be hidden in CSV export for trips with type Business or Mixed in column “Start/End Date”
v1.80.2 2023-09-06
DLC-7303: [Logbook] “Fleet log book” page performance and stability improvements
DLC-7289: [System] Notification system stability fixes
DLC-7286: [System] Email confirmation stability improvements
DLC-7278: [LMS] Fixed incorrect due date for new courses
LOG-1429: [Logbook] Minor fix for fleet management
LOG-1384: [Logbook] Handling trips without geo coords
SM-483: [Booking] Spelling mistake in booking confirmation
SM-476: [Minor] Minor bugfixes
v1.80.1 2023-09-04
DLC-7296: [Export] Fixed column names translation in data export
LOG-1122: [Logbook] Fix a timezone issue causing unprocessed trips
LOG-1431: [System] Minor fix in error code handling
v1.80.0 2023-08-23
DLC-6461: [System] Update closure compiler to support modern js
DLC-7212: [System] Company entity optimization
DLC-7219: [Export] Column exclusion rules when exporting to CSV apply on pages with the option to export data
LOG-1385: [Support] Added new tool to delete automatic TMC’s
LOG-1401: [OBU] Software version is now support strings
LOG-1426: [Logbook] Vehicle filter in Logbook should not show Lesestationen (Reading stations) as an option
v1.79.2 2023-08-17
SM-471: [Booking] Fix minor issue in booking completion
SM-474: [API] Fix typo on the schema reference for license check on the swagger docs
v1.79.1 2023-08-16
DLC-7228: [LicenseCheck] Fixed display of Driver’s license check status
DLC-7232: [Import] Fixed incorrect data import for some customers
DLC-7268: [Logbook] Memory limit issue on page “Export drivers logbook as PDF file”
DLC-7270: [Minor] Minor bugfixes
DLC-7275: [Export] Fixed CSV export configurations
LOG-1326: [Logbook] Fix mismatching start- and stop addresses
SM-445: [Booking] Fix minor issue on the vehicle list, formatted license plate on the booking page
SM-466: [Booking] Adjusted mail templates
SM-470: [API] Move API documentation to /docs
v1.79.0 2023-08-09
DLC-7217: [Export] CSV Export improvements
DLC-7230: [Import] Skip users deactivation phase during the import, if too many users are missing in import file
DLC-7266: [Documentation] Generate documentation for an upcoming API endpoint designed to conduct driving license verifications
LOG-1396: [Logbook] New setting for trip processing and added new Workstate for ignored trips
v1.78.2 2023-08-03
DLC-7222: [Logbook] Fixed too frequent reloading of statistics
v1.78.1 2023-07-31
DLC-7226: [Vehicle] Fixed rotated images
DLC-7225: [System] Fixed automatic navigation to selected division
LOG-1381: [System] Remove codes from success messages
DLC-7224: [LMS] Filtering on divisions cause an error
SM-464: [Booking] Fix the hidden error notification regarding invalid driver’s licenses in the Simple booking.
SM-463: [User] Remove the empty PIN code identification when this is not provider
v1.78.0 2023-07-24
DLC-7210: [System] Divisions database optimization
DLC-7082: [Import] Import enabled for additional customers
DLC-5733: [System] Prevent deletion of all table records by mistake
LOG-1332: [Export] Added option to separate “Home / Office” and “Family home trip” from “Private” trips in Vehicle data CSV Export
LOG-1283: [Logbook] Handling cost center
LOG-1213: [Vehicle] Added new tool to mark trip as towed
v1.77.2 2023-07-24
DLC-7221: [DMS] Fixed image upload issue
LOG-1338: [Minor] Minor bugfixes
v1.77.1 2023-07-17
DLC-7214: [LicenseCheck] Removed drivers with suspended license from weekly report
SM-457: [Booking] Hide trip type colour on the booking calendar when hide_travel_type setting is active
SM-456: [Booking] Remove booking old export functionality
SM-446: [Vault] Moved menu item iButton history to category vault
SM-439: [Booking] If the vehicle is archived, proceed with rescheduling the travels.
v1.77.0 2023-07-10
DLC-7192: [System] Divisions optimization and improvements
DLC-7155: [LicenseCheck] Added ability to send an additional notification about driver’s license check when the deadline has passed
DLC-7151: [User] No password change/reset for SSO users
DLC-7151: [SSO] Improved IDP lookup
DLC-7150: [User] Prevent default login for SSO users
LOG-1359: [System] Minor user change
LOG-1357: [Logbook] Minor email change
LOG-1349: [Telemetry] Allow OBD connection without driver (pool solution)
v1.76.3 2023-07-10
DLC-7216 [Misc] Minor fixes
v1.76.2 2023-06-28
DLC-7207: [Misc] Minor fixes
SM-333: [Booking] Change emails accordingly to a specific customer request
v1.76.1 2023-06-27
DLC-7185: [User] Fixed sorting by division name
DLC-7184: [LMS] Fixed problems during course reset
DLC-7172: [LMS] Fixed due date calculation for escalated courses
DLC-7148: [Vehicle] Fixed deletion of vehicle documents
DLC-7071: [Misc] Minor fixes
SM-428: [Misc] Allow filtering by vehicles on “ibuttonlist” for non FM user with readOnly access
SM-418: [Booking] - Display bookings marked as “No show” only when this specific filter is in use, or when there is no applied filter.
SM-416: [User] Change method of RFID code standardization on users creation
v1.76.0 2023-06-21
LOG-1263: [POI] Fix geo cords lookup
LOG-1338: [Logbook] Fixes in escalation handling
LOG-1092: [Telemetry] Add setting to allow unknown driver on OBD connect (pool solution)
v1.75.2 2023-06-14
LOG-1218: [Export] Add Setting to prevent columns from being used in trip CSV export
LOG-1216: [Export] Add Setting to prevent columns from being used in driver CSV export
v1.75.1 2023-06-13
LOG-1230: [Escalation] Fix customers 7-day escalation rule
v1.75.0 2023-06-12
DLC-7186: [System] Divisions stability improvements
DLC-7181 [System] General database improvements
DLC-7177: [Logbook] On Fleet management CSV Export page added ability to export “Vehicle group”
DLC-7174: [System] Divisions tree structure fixes and improvements
DLC-7110: [Import] Added fields mapping for vehicle import. Added vehicle update handler during import
DLC-7106: [LicenseCheck] Added “Helper’s license” to the list of driver’s license classes
LOG-1101: [Telemetry] Add code string to FlashLog on vehicle creation
SM-435: [Vehicle] Add date of admission on iButton history list
SM-433: [Booking] Confirmation and reason for booking cancellation on simple booking edit page
SM-431: [Vehicle] Show the status of the vehicles on the iButton list api endpoint
SM-419: [Booking] Show driver validation errors on simple booking
v1.74.1 2023-05-23
DLC-7071: [Misc] Minor fixes
LOG-1298: [System] Fix a small typo which appears in mobile app
SM-427: [Booking] Fix access to the vaults on the same location of the vehicle last location
SM-425: [Misc] Minor fixes
v1.74.0 2023-05-22
DLC-7164: [Vehicle] Added new vehicle type “hydrogen” and consumption unit for gas types “kg/100km”
DLC-7143: [User|LMS|Telemetry] Added division filter with ability to search in subdivisions
SM-422: [FM] Rename ‘Benutzer’ to ‘Authorized to view’ in division tree
SM-405: [Booking] Hide travel type for drivers with hiding setting
SM-371: [Booking] Show history of vehicle association with iButton
v1.73.1 2023-05-02
DLC-7144: [Import] Fixed memory leak problem
DLC-7139: [LicenseCheck] Fixes and improvements for the driver’s license expiration reminder
SM-424: [Booking] Also create access to the last vault the key was on.
SM-415: [Booking] Fix field_distance_display setting on booking mask
SM-411: [Vehicle] Add default value to the type of fuel to vehicles
SM-409: [Booking] Fix the fetch open/close operation on different vaults for booking shortening
v1.73.0 2023-04-26
DLC-7145: [Vehicle] Added vehicle type to vehicle list export
DLC-7109: [Vehicle] Import by default as type “car”
DLC-7105: [Vehicle] Added new vehicle type “Emergency generator” and new fuel type “None”
DLC-6641: [Export] Added ability to save selected columns
LOG-1087: [System] Display error codes in the fronted
LOG-1037: [FM] Added department field to Fleetbook
SM-417: [Booking] show fin in field commission on rental agreement form
SM-410: [Booking] Add setting to disable not sufficiently charged notification
v1.72.1 2023-04-18
DLC-7147: [User] Fixed issue when different endings for e-mail addresses are not accepted by the portal.
SM-404: [Booking] Add Biodiesel and gasoline-NaturalGas to the travel possibilities on the booking
v1.72.0 2023-04-12
DLC-7125: [Vehicle] Added “Vehicle group” column to the vehicle list export
DLC-7090: [Vehicle] Added ability to add vehicles with identical license plates.
SM-398: [Booking] Fix mail texts
v1.71.1 2023-04-04
DLC-7124: [LicenseCheck] Fixed an issue where a user did not receive an Acknowledge-SMS after performing a driver’s license check
DLC-7113: [Vehicle] Appointments of Inactive vehicles removed from the weekly report
DLC-7095: [SSO] Added logging for curl request
LOG-1122: [Logbook] Improve processing of delayed post-unmount trips
SM-407: [Booking] Adapt validation logic on booking for the setting field_distance_display
SM-401: [Booking] Add info about the vaultItem and vault on the late key return email
v1.71.0 2023-03-22
DLC-7099: [Vehicle] Added fuel type column and logbox to vehicle list export
DLC-7079: [User] User’s field “Extra information” expanded to 200 symbols.
DLC-7073: [User] Identification improvements
DLC-5339: [Vehicle] Added Improvement to filter the vehicle data for departments and their sub-departments
SM-401: [Booking] Change bookable to false and add default division on create customer vehicle
DLC-7110: [Import] Added fields mapping for vehicle import. Added vehicle update handler during import
v1.70.1 2023-03-21
DLC-7112: [SSO] Fixed log message
SM-370: [Booking] Fix vault operations analysis for edge cases
DLC-7097 [System] Error Controller exception logging
v1.70.0 2023-03-08
DLC-7027: [User] On “Divisions” page “Fleet managers” tab changed to “Users”, now list shows all assigned users, added new column for user type (Driver/Fleet manager)
DLC-7044: [Vehicle] Added new field - On-Call Duty
DLC-7046: [Vehicle] Added new free text field - Sub Category.
DLC-7047: [Import] Clients added to automated import of divisions, drivers and Fleet managers
LOG-1027: [Logbook] Make trip merge blocking more configurable
SM-275: [Booking] Option for “Trailer Hitch” in booking filter
SM-361: [Booking] Cost Center field to be displayed and marked as mandatory through specific settings
v1.69.2 2023-02-27
DLC-7076: [System] Removed deprecated exception mailings
LOG-1154: [Cron] Remove customer email from cronjob mailing list
SM-384: [Vehicle] Fix the column type
on the vehicle table to have the value trailers_machines
accordingly to the application
v1.69.1 2023-02-13
DLC-5170: [User] Description on page “Profile” in addresses tab
DLC-7065: [Vehicle] Fixed form “Create customer vehicle”
SM-316: [Booking] Shortening travels only happens when the traveler has put the key back in the vault
SM-362: [Booking] Fix booking not being selected for rebook in case of overlapping times
SM-374: [Booking] Fixed confirmation email not being sent when made to a third party by a non FM
v1.69.0 2023-02-08
DLC-6975: [LicenseCheck] Send reminder before driver’s license will be expired
DLC-7036: [LMS] Added Company filter for admins
DLC-7042: [Vehicle] Changed format of Vehicle Cost Center field from numeric to Alphanumeric
LOG-1010: [System] Improve error logging
SM-373: [Booking] Fixed warning in vault model during booking creation
v1.68.1 2023-01-19
DLC-7038: [User] Fixed timezone issue in end date field of Driver card
LOG-602: [Vehicle] Fixed “Adjustment mileage” form behavior during values input
SM-376: [System] Show UTC datetime on error page for a better support
v1.68.0 2023-01-18
DLC-6935: [Vehicle] Added new vehicle types: “Trailers/Machines”, “Van”, “Special vehicles”, “Transporter”. Added column “Type” in vehicle list with possibility to sort.
DLC-7018: [SSO] Fixed fleet manager role overwrite
DLC-7032 [User] Added sorting to users list. Default sorting is by Last Name then First Name
LOG-985: [Logbook] Close all trips from Anonymously Driver
LOG-989: [Vehicle] Being able to change license plate to existing license plate
SM-358: [System] Change emails to report for in case of warnings
v1.67.2 2023-01-16
DLC-7021: [LicenseCheck] Fixed Individual control value that was not removed during driver license check
DLC-7026: [LicenseCheck] Fixed Facetime License check for some users
DLC-7031: [Company] Fixed “Create new company” form
LOG-1012: [Export] Missing idHW in csv export
LOG-767: [User] Wrong error message on 1:1 connection
LOG-843: [Cron] Standard occasion from vehicle not applied to trips
LOG-859: [Logbook] Fixed incorrect trip age in some rare cases
LOG-920: [Logbook] Fixed sorting on page “Leases” and fixed column “Mileage” not displaying data
SM-44: [Vehicle] The date of a new vehicle blocking date will always be on the future
SM-339: [Booking] Enable time buffer between travels when specified on the settings
SM-354: [Booking] Add fuel types electricHydrogen, (Benzin,Elektro), hybridElectricGasolinePlugin and hybridElectricDieselPlugin to travel possibilities
v1.67.1 2022-12-14
DLC-7023: [LMS] Fixed escalating old courses without user assignment
v1.67.0 2022-12-07
DLC-5541: [Vehicle] Added “Fahrgestellnummer” and “Freitext” to the Export
DLC-6980: [System] Updated JQuery library to latest 3.6.1 version
DLC-7002: [LMS] Added massaction button for restarting courses
DLC-7012: [Export] Added additional columns to vehicles export
LOG-801: [Logbook] Prevent mileage change popup for pidA6 hardware on mobile app
LOG-810: [User] Added setting for configuring radius of user’s addresses.
LOG-925: [Logbook] New interface showing tax calculations for drivers of the last 12 months
LOG-997: [Telemetry] Use data transfer objects (DTO’s)
SM-308: [Logbook] Buchungsübersicht: Green Color when booking is currently active
SM-319: [Booking] New setting cancel_with_reason in order to give a reason for a booking cancellation
v1.66.1 2022-11-28
DLC-5969: [LicenseCheck] Fixed incorrect date timezone conversion
DLC-7011: [LMS] Fixed saving and updating course completion date
LOG-966: [Vehicle] Duplicated vehicles in the vehicle list
SM-330: [Booking] Avoid running booking deletion for already deleted bookings
SM-345: [Booking] Data from key events starts to be collected 15 minutes before the travel start
v1.66.0 2022-11-23
DLC-3917: [User] Filtering selected access rights on “Rights and roles” page
DLC-6640: [LicenseCheck] Changed PDF layout for driving license export
DLC-6993: [Company] Added new column “Customer Success Manager”
DLC-6997: [SSO] Change division mapping to a unique key
LOG-867: [Logbook] Add additional column in “unknown driver” list
LOG-905: [API] Improve session and error handling on BasicAuth via API
LOG-961: [General] Introduce new improvement to internally handle data
v1.65.5 2022-11-21
LOG-844: [Vehicle] Fix access denied bug in vehicle unlock history
LOG-981: [Logbook] Extend trip merge prevention for private trips
SM-230: [Booking] Fix non properly rendered of Fellow travelers on the email
v1.65.4 2022-11-15
DLC-6999: [Admin] Fix a bug causing admin access to a logbook to fail
SM-326: [Vault] Remove information about vault codeName and status for non admins
v1.65.3 2022-11-14
DLC-6969: [User] Fixed CSV/HTML/PDF exporting of users in big amounts
DLC-6997: [SSO] Fix department mapping
SM-294: [Booking] Fix wrong formatted date on ICS attachment
SM-307: [Booking] Fixes updated bookings list after booking delete
v1.65.2 2022-11-10
LOG-970: [Logbook] Multiple cars driven to commute on same day
v1.65.1 2022-11-09
DLC-5597: [LicenseCheck] Fixed PDF export of driver license checks history
DLC-6160: [Vehicle] Fixed issues with deleting and uploading vehicle images
DLC-6986: [LMS] Fixed display of incorrect date for multiple courses
DLC-6992: [System] Removed underscore from title in exported PDF files
LOG-846: [Logbook] Remove empty second page in Logbook PDF export
v1.65.0 2022-10-26
DLC-6906: [FM] Fixed wrong FM list in divisions tree.
DLC-6916: [SSO] SSO does not set syncID
DLC-6942: [LMS] Added setting with maximum licenses per company
DLC-6944: [LMS] Fixed reset course button
DLC-6961: [LMS] Now Displayed Course name from Course Group instead of course name from LMS
LOG-809: [Logbook] Fix bug in logic and adjust styling
LOG-819: [Logbook] Export ExtraInfo in drivers logbook pdf export
LOG-902: [Logbook] CostCenter is mandatory when corresponding right is assigned
LOG-944 [Logbook] Tax calculation takes the price from most used vehicle for calculation
SM-282: [Booking] Prevent shortening, if the key is put and immediately taken again
v1.64.3 2022-10-18
DLC-6963: [LMS] Fixed filter by escalation level
DLC-6968: [LMS] Fixed invalid course escalations
SM-158: [Booking] Add condition to assure the vehicle loading time is present while calculating cruising range
SM-331 [Logbook] Fix typo on the word statistics on the Drivers log book
v1.64.2 2022-10-17
LOG-935: [CRON] Fix a bug causing trip parsing to fail
v1.64.1 2022-10-13
SM-325: [Booking] Fix long-term trips not displaying in the correct color
v1.64.0 2022-10-13
DLC-6250: [SSO] Add a new IDP for SSO
DLC-6812: [SSO] Add a new IDP for SSO
DLC-6892: [LMS] Fixed time zone difference for course completion date
DLC-6955: [LMS] Added updating LMS data indicator
SM-236: [Booking] Only shorten booking if the customer has the correct right
v1.63.4 2022-10-12
DLC-6892: [LMS] Fixed time zone difference for course completion date
SM-298: [Booking] Add logic to hide cost unit fixed on complex booking, through setting field_costcenter_display
v1.63.3 2022-10-11
LOG-903: [CRON] Fixed a bug causing a cronjob to crash
v1.63.2 2022-10-10
DLC-6949: [LMS] Fixed filtering by Course
LOG-903: [User] Fixed a bug where company-wide ID assigning didn’t always work
v1.63.1 2022-09-29
LOG-906: [Logbook] Fixed a bug when filtering Logbook
v1.63.0 2022-09-28
DLC-6820: [LicenseCheck] Added ability to filter users with active/inactive license check
LOG-809: [Logbook] Add setting to prevent trip merging above a certain time difference
SM-236: [Booking] Shuffle travel possibilities within the same cost
v1.62.3 2022-09-28
LOG-877: [Logbook] Fix a bug which was hiding trips from “unknown driver”
v1.62.2 2022-09-21
LOG-537: [Telemetry] Fixed mountTime offset in export for telemetry boxes
LOG-735: [Logbook] Improve performance by refactoring database queries
LOG-869: [Logbook] Tax calculation calculating lowest mileage for each day
v1.62.1 2022-09-15
DLC-6844: [Export] Added ability to choose Leasing cost fields in CSV Export
DLC-6933: [User] Fix Access control on user-list works incorrectly
SM-303: [Booking] Add correct timezone to the .ics calendar attachment on booking emails
v1.62.0 2022-09-14
DLC-6878: [LicenseCheck] Add hierarchical check for FMs to be informed
DLC-6888: [LicenseCheck] Added Admin tool for restarting driver licenses
DLC-6898: [LicenseCheck] Added setting for ability to automatically delete license checks after 3 years
LOG-510: [LicenseCheck] Improved sorting for License check grid
SM-268: [Booking] Remove “New Booking” button from Bookings list, through special rights
SM-280: [API] Add travelcosts api endpoint documentation to swagger
SM-5: [Booking] Add additional information to the end of the booking email
v1.61.2 2022-09-06
DLC-6104: [User] Allow to manually set the “license valid until” field in new user form
LOG-816: [Logbook] Increase re-usability of geocoding implementation
SM-150: [Booking] Guarantee that the destination datetime is always after the origin datetime on the UI
SM-151: [Booking] Improving booking by enabling edit companions after search vehicle
SM-263: [Booking] Fix calendar attachment to third-party booking
v1.61.1 2022-09-05
DLC-6910: [General] Improve XSS security protection
DLC-6921: [Import] FleetXWeb Importer: Fix duplicate accounts and Fix division creation per account.
LOG-828: [Logbook] Improve data reload, after merged/divide trips
v1.61.0 2022-08-31
DLC-6634: [General] Fix missing array key
LOG-799: [Logbook] Throw different error message on mileage change for specific customer
LOG-828: [Logbook] Fixed data reload, after create/delete Trip Mileage Change
PHP-6726: [General] Improve performance by switching read-operations to slave database
PHP-6831: [SSO] Update division assignment in SSO
SM-247: [Vault] Add a special right that allows read only operations in the iButton list
v1.60.3 2022-08-30
SM-191: [Booking] Improvements booking suggested locations
v1.60.2 2022-08-24
DLC-6843: [LicenseCheck] Escalation level will be reset if Driver License Individual control date was set
DLC-6907: [Import] Fixed csv import cron job issues
LOG-816: [General] Improvements on address geocoding
SM-263: [Booking] Fix calendar attachment to third-party booking
v1.60.1 2022-08-22
SM-124: [Geocode] Fix a bug which prevented correct geocoding
v1.60.0 2022-08-17
DLC-5046: [Vehicle] Default interface-type for new vehicles changed to “RFID-Reader”
DLC-6813: [LMS] Courses now always restartable
DLC-6903: [User] Changed driver details form to driver details list
LOG-578: [Vehicle] New Buttons in vehicles list to help User understand the lock and unlock behaviour
PHP-6432: [LMS] Improvements for UVV overview
v1.59.1 2022-08-16
DLC-5905: [User] User can’t choose email as notification even if email is real
LOG-797: [Logbook] Fix missing/empty km start in connect mail
SM-109: [Vault] New message for key cabinet software update
v1.59.0 2022-08-03
DLC-6828: [LicenseCheck] Add additional information to weekly status report
DLC-6845 [LMS] Removed UVV checkbox from user list
LOG-229: [Telemetry] Remove trips after disconnect and add trips on connect
LOG-506: [Logbook] Hide statistics component whenever there is no data to be shown
LOG-517: [Logbook] New Value in i-Function in Telematikbox-Liste and Fahrzeug-Liste
LOG-519: [Vehicle] Added “Default Reason” field into car creation form
LOG-524: [Logbook] Add a button to show trips next to unknown driver trips
PHP-6618: [LicenseCheck] Inform fleet managers by email when a trip is made with an invalid driving license
SM-11: [Booking] Remove “New Booking” button from Bookings calendar, through special rights
v1.58.5 2022-08-02
DLC-6904: [General] Fix a typo in password expire email
LOG-574: [Telemetry] Add vehicle connection type to mail and adjust frontend behavior
LOG-773: [Telemetry] Fixed rare bug on vehicle disconnection
v1.58.4 2022-08-01
DLC-6833: [General] Remove hard-coded base domain
v1.58.3 2022-07-27
PHP-6669: [Logbook] Remove hard break for privacy mode on month change
SM-152: [Booking] Skip own bookings from hideDriver feature
SM-221: [Vehicle] Fix vehicle report message in notificator
v1.58.2 2022-07-25
DLC-6869: [Vehicle] Remove fuel type from fast-creation
v1.58.1 2022-07-20
DLC-6871: [SSO] Add a matching for manually created users
v1.58.0 2022-07-20
LOG-352: [Vehicle] Mark trips with missing mileage in mileage jumps adjustment
LOG-508: [Logbook] Update for tax calculation, ignoring 0km trips
LOG-575: [Telemetry] Changed i-function icon
LOG-740: [User] Fix profile page has broken JavaScript, tabs not initializing.
PHP-6445: [User] Added Right to hide Addresses tab in profile
PHP-6573: [Import] Clients added to automated import of divisions, drivers and Fleet managers
PHP-6678: [Import] Import vehicles from a pre-defined .csv file
PHP-6762: [Performance] Split Reads from Writes database in order to increase performance
PHP-6791: [Logbook] “Drivers log book” and “Fleet log book” - added sorting by columns
v1.57.4 2022-07-14
DLC-6794: [SSO] Fix an error which selected users in SSO by email instead of syncId
v1.57.3 2022-07-13
DLC-6835: [Booking] Fix a bug which led to wrong timestamps in bookings because of wrongly transformed timezones
DLC-6864: [User] Fixed user list not loading all records
SM-152: [Booking] Fix a bug which displayed own bookings with default color
v1.57.2 2022-07-12
SM-153: [Booking] Fix a bug which sends emails for key take even if it’s ok
v1.57.1 2022-07-11
DLC-6827: [LicenseCheck] Add logical sorting for drivers licenses in weekly status report
DLC-6830: [LicenseCheck] Fixed notification of too early performed driver license checks
LOG-507: [Logbook] Fix a bug which switched up editable states of 2 trips
SM-123: [Booking] Fix a bug prevent vault events to be handled correctly
v1.57.0 2022-07-06
PHP-6400: [Logbook] List of predefined reasons - added sorting by columns
PHP-6672: [OBU] Show loading indicator on vehicle connect during async requests
PHP-6689: [Logbook] Improved database performance in general
PHP-6708: [Logbook] Improved database performance regarding grids
v1.56.3 2022-06-30
LOG-521: [Logbook] Improvement for Unbekannter Fahrer list. Added icon to see the trip in logbook
PHP-6806: [Vehicle] Add damage report in vehicle if added via logbook
SM-27: [Booking] Fix bug related to wrong vehicles display on booking
v1.56.2 2022-06-28
LOG-514: [Telemetry] Fixed bug causing creating divisions with incorrect tree structure
LOG-548: [Logbook] Improve performance for open trips in fleet logbook
PHP-6670: [User] Added possibility to notify drivers about license check on weekends/holidays
PHP-6768: [Telemetry] Fix a bug which prevented vehicle connection
v1.56.1 2022-06-23
PHP-6601: [Booking] Improved workflow of adding booking events to calendar with email .ics attachments
v1.56.0 2022-06-20
PHP-6592: [System] Add second Sync ID for external SSO
v1.55.6 2022-06-14
PHP-6334: [Booking] Remove hard coded status code and return correct one
PHP-6516: [Booking] Send overbooked email only to specific FM role for special customers
PHP-6719: [Booking] Update key access correct if trip gets rebooked
PHP-6746: [Booking] Added information about Key Location to the email sent after assigning car to the booking
v1.55.5 2022-06-13
PHP-6572: [Booking] Add ExtraInfo instead of cost center to the booking
PHP-6748: [General] Show “stage”/“pre-live” indicator for all non-live stages
PHP-6772: [Booking] Passengers has unknown email value in email with “booking info”
PHP-6802: [Admin] Add possibility to skip TMC on disconnect
v1.55.4 2022-06-07
PHP-6738: [General] Prevent search queries on every Key-Down/-Up event
PHP-6778: [Logbook] Improve performance by removing redundant requests
PHP-6779: [General] Improve grid scrolling performance
v1.55.3 2022-05-23
PHP-6533: [Statistics] Fix a bug which prevents statistic creation
PHP-6668: [Import] Removing default Fleet Manager role and divisions during import for users that are removed from import file
v1.55.2 2022-05-19
PHP-6037: [General] Mailings to customers are displayed incorrectly
PHP-6384: [SSO] Add SSO for an external company
PHP-6697: [Logbook] Occasions show admins as creator if they performed an input
v1.55.1 2022-05-18
PHP-6339: [Escalation] Fix driver’s license check preventing trip creation
v1.55.0 2022-05-11
PHP-6026: [System] Cleaning parts of code that is working with file system
PHP-6263: [Vehicle] Add possibility to save information on trailer hitch
PHP-6264: [Vehicle] Add option to save Teil-/Vollkasko
PHP-6318: [Vehicle] Popup with vehicle logbox configuration
PHP-6339: [Escalation] Support for level of escalation and fix escalation by setting in license check
PHP-6400: [Vehicle] Vehicle list - added sorting by columns
v1.54.6 2022-05-11
PHP-6725: [Logbook] Reduce amount of queries in parser to increase performance
v1.54.5 2022-05-11
PHP-6706: [Booking] Performance tuning fetching travels
v1.54.4 2022-05-10
PHP-6646: [Import] Fixed Import problems with “Employee ID”
PHP-6695: [Vault] New setting “vault_append_fm_classifications” for a list of FM classifications used in vault operations lookup
PHP-6713: [Logbook] Prevent statistic reload on every change
v1.54.3 2022-05-09
PHP-6615: [General] Improve automated tests
PHP-6675: [User] Fixed email validation, that allows email notification, during user creation
PHP-6703: [Fleet] Ignore temporary access for personal logbook
v1.54.2 2022-05-04
PHP-6696: [OBU] Allow parallel execution of tracking data processing
v1.54.1 2022-04-28
PHP-6201: [Vault] Improve matching of vault-operations and vault-access
PHP-6682: [Vehicle] Increase wait refresh timeout to allow vehicle appointment editing
v1.54.0 2022-04-27
PHP-6600: [LicenseCheck] Sorting for driver’s license checklist
v1.53.2 2022-04-26
CHF2-225: [TripCreation] Create initial trip on empty logbook
PHP-5462: [OBU] Fix vehicle connect to handle all possible cases correctly
PHP-5646: [Telemetry] Redelivery creates new vehicle
PHP-6201: [Vault] Prevent late key returns triggers
PHP-6529: [OBU] Fix vehicle disconnect to handle all possible cases correctly
PHP-6671: [Telemetry] Wrong mileage on redelivery
v1.53.1 2022-04-19
PHP-6238: [Export] DMS security improvements
PHP-6636: [OBU] Error Memory popup failing on reports from old versions of boxes
PHP-6643: [Company] Fixed case when new address could not be saved; Fixed deleting mark from map when location was deleted
v1.53.0 2022-04-13
CHF2-156: [KeyVault] Automatically back to main version after software update
CHF2-157: [TripCreation] Improvements of trip creation tool
PHP-4946: [Booking] Add a new template for rental agreement contract
PHP-6392: [Escalation] Checks if FM has the right to receive FM escalation mails
v1.52.4 2022-04-06
PHP-6574: [Import] Fixed personnel number synchronization.
PHP-6598: [Logbook] Improved performance on “Fleet log book” page
PHP-6611: [OBU] Error Memory Report showing invalid value for “Kilometer”
v1.52.3 2022-03-23
PHP-6037: [General] Mailings to customers are displayed incorrectly
PHP-6481: [Vehicle] In Create Appointment popup fixed showing up calendar widget second time when field loses focus
PHP-6483: [Vehicle] Archived vehicles removed from condition report
v1.52.2 2022-03-22
PHP-6161: [Export] In exports, umlauts are displayed incorrectly
v1.52.1 2022-03-21
PHP-5858: [Vault] Fix a bug which overwrites iButton descriptions unintentionally
PHP-6498: [Booking] Add a new setting to make the radius for pools in vehicle search dynamical
PHP-6535: [Booking] CostCenter validation by division doesn’t search for all divisions
PHP-6581: [OBU] Fix condition which prohibited re-lock requests to be sent
v1.52.0 2022-03-16
PHP-5278: [Logbook] Drivers log book - extended the vehicle filter for “Freitext”
PHP-6334: [Booking] Thank-you page as confirmation when adding damage report
v1.51.5 2022-03-15
PHP-6518: [Logbook] Warn user if privacy mode length has been adjusted automatically
PHP-6566: [Vehicle] Rename “fastcreation” to “create customer vehicle”
v1.51.4 2022-03-10
PHP-6438: [LMS] Synchronize all courses which are performed without need
v1.51.3 2022-03-08
PHP-6478: [Logbook] Change the occasion tooltip to prevent frozen tooltips
PHP-6510: [SSO] Improve tenant separation for different tenants using the same IDP
PHP-6527: [Vehicle] Fix duplicate correlation in rebooking process
v1.51.2 2022-03-08
PHP-5910: [LicenseCheck] Add missing driver’s license classes “B96, B2, 1, 4, 5”
PHP-6443: [Booking] Enhancement of booking confirmation and cancellation email to the FM
v1.51.1 2022-03-04
PHP-6505: [Vehicle] Add default manufacturer in fast creation
PHP-6514: [Booking] Fix minimum booking duration
PHP-6532: [LMS] Fix stuck user synchronisation
v1.51.0 2022-03-02
CHF2-50: [KeyVault] Update software version for support
PHP-4493: [User] Admin can confirm email through portal
PHP-6236: [Booking] Only show bookings for vehicles at my location
PHP-6276: [General] Show changelog on first login after release
PHP-6380: [Logbook] Display child trips mileage changes
PHP-6444: [Logbook] Add new sorting option for driven distance
PHP-6451: [Booking] Add new validation options for cost-center
PHP-6453: [OBU] Improvements for the Error Memory Report
PHP-6493: [General] Fix release notes popup vertical centering
v1.50.6 2022-03-01
PHP-6500: [Import] Ensure import directory exists and is writable in importer
PHP-6497: [LMS] Fix missing escalation level handling
v1.50.5 2022-02-28
PHP-6053: [Logbook] Always create a TMC to close disconnected logbooks
PHP-6495: [LMS] Remove path from file to prevent DMS crash on upload
PHP-6496: [Booking] Fixed cronjobs warnings
v1.50.4 2022-02-23
PHP-3157: [OBU] Replace last report with real last contact
PHP-6328: [User] Fixed Driver Card label for new users
PHP-6442: [Logbook] Display success-error messages on km adjustment response
PHP-6488: [Booking] Fix booking bar visibility handling
v1.50.3 2022-02-22
PHP-6076: [Logbook] Fix privacy mode should not stay from one month to another
PHP-6265: [LMS] Fix missing certificate
v1.50.2 2022-02-21
PHP-6471: [User] Un-assign Driver-Role does not work in user list
v1.50.1 2022-02-17
PHP-6467: [Logbook] MouseOver blocks filter-reset
PHP-6470: [Logbook] Re-add red border for mandatory trip occasions
PHP-6472: [Export] Prevent possible injection vector
PHP-6473: [Booking] Fix markup issue in damage report interface
v1.50.0 2022-02-16
PHP-5180: [Logbook] Display travel occasion source on mouse over
PHP-5766: [Vault] Improve status page to correctly show data for different vault sizes
PHP-5971: [Vehicle] Add new functionality for vehicle creation
PHP-6047: [General] Removed sentry implementation
PHP-6251: [Logbook] Save (dis)connect mileage in tbOBU for all OBD plugs
PHP-6310: [OBU] Display Translated Error Memory
PHP-6387: [Vault] Keys titles overlapping on each other on vault with 30 keys
PHP-6388: [Booking] Booking overview: Filter extension
PHP-6389: [Logbook] Waiting popover when saving kilometer of a travel book entry
v1.49.12 2022-02-15
PHP-6432: [Vehicle] Fix for timed out waiting dialog in vehicle appointment
v1.49.11 2022-02-14
PHP-5886: [Connect] Disable or enable check button on field change
PHP-6426: [Export] Fixing duplicates in travel cost export
v1.49.10 2022-02-08
CHF2-51: [KeyVault] Adding status icon
PHP-5708: [Export] Improve fleet logbook performance
PHP-6333: [Vehicle] Fix handling of damaged cars
PHP-6409: [Import] Retain custom roles when importing existing users
v1.49.9 2022-02-08
PHP-6110: [OBU] Scheduled lock requests work improper
PHP-6202: [Booking] Farbliche Darstellung der Buchungen in der Buchungsübersicht korrigieren
PHP-6301: [Booking] Filter for list of IDs of vehicles to exclude from travel costs
PHP-6304: [Logbook] Prevent trip addition under certain OBD unplug conditions
PHP-6341: [Profile] Fix DoubleHousehold shows error
PHP-6346: [Admin] Update recipient list of admin emails
PHP-6358: [OBU] Disconnection doesn’t work
PHP-6380: [Logbook] Fix “undefined index” warnings
PHP-6404: [Export] Speed up method flattenExtendedData
PHP-6404: [Export] Travelcost export SAP handling fix
PHP-6414: [SSO] Update SAMLv2 certificate
v1.49.8 2022-01-26
PHP-5788: [Booking] Fix FM email notifications on new bookings
PHP-6332: [Vehicle] Show waiting dialog in vehicle appointment while ajax travel request
v1.49.7 2022-01-25
PHP-5708: [Export] Fix fleet logbook PDF export
PHP-6055: [Booking] Fix deletion of temp-bookings
PHP-6136: [Booking] Removed green highlight from NoShow bookings
PHP-6313: [User] Un-assigning FM right throws an error
PHP-6336: [LMS] Fix escalation is sent multiple times
v1.49.6 2022-01-19
PHP-6330: [LMS] Fix triggers for initial escalation
v1.49.5 2022-01-18
PHP-6327: [SSO] Fix mobile SSO issue
v1.49.4 2022-01-18
PHP-6105: [Export] Fix statistic generation
PHP-6110: [OBU] Send SMS to OBU only in case the activation date has
v1.49.3 2022-01-17
PHP-6268: [LMS] Add subdivisions to course assignments
v1.49.2 2022-01-17
PHP-6258: [SSO] Fix division changes unintentionally
PHP-6268: [LMS] Add subdivisions to course assignments
v1.49.1 2022-01-13
PHP-6199: [Booking] Bugfix to only allow bookings, if a user has a lable assigned
PHP-6239: [LMS] Add subdivisions to course assignments
v1.49.0 2022-01-12
PHP-5091: [Booking] Show warning before cancel bookings during appointment creation
PHP-5921: [Booking] Added no-show note, costs and key location to mail templates for rebooking, create and change
PHP-6192: [Export] Fixing cost of travels export for multi-day travels over a monthly border and missing keyput events
PHP-6294: [Export] Fix broken tax export
PHP-6295: [Logbook] Display OneDay filter only for fleet managers
PHP-6297: [Export] Fix broken configuration for PDF export
PHP-6300: [Booking] Fix error when rideStart is missing in validation
v1.48.3 - 2022-01-11
PHP-6293: [Booking] Fix loop for damage report when key is not already back
v1.48.2 - 2022-01-04
CHF2-10: [Users] Unlock locked users
PHP-6204: [Booking] Shorten no-show bookings by setting
v1.48.1 - 2022-01-03
PHP-5931: [Security] Extend IP whitelist
PHP-6041: [Export] Re-add styles to PDF export
v1.48.0 - 2021-12-14
PHP-4684: [FM] Add an API and docs for vehicle locations
PHP-4879: [LogBook] Sorting the individual columns in the fleet book
PHP-4880: [LogBook] Adding a one-day/recent-trips filter to the fleet book
PHP-4986: [Booking] Added max booking days in future functionality
PHP-5428: [Logbook] Improve double housekeeping and family-home-trips
PHP-5601: [GSDPR] Change license check deletion period to 3 years for customer
PHP-5695: [Booking] Add current car location to complex booking form
PHP-5772: [Logbook] Trip API for third party hardware
PHP-5833: [Export] Fix wrong date in PDF export
PHP-5937: [Tracking] Add new vehicle tracking API
PHP-6072: [SSO] Add new IDP
PHP-6098: [KeyVault] List all the changes to vaultItems, including the non-physical ones done on the platform
PHP-6161: [Export] Umlauts displayed incorrectly in csv export
PHP-6175: [SSO] SSO does not migrate user into new divisions
PHP-6176: [Import] Importer does not set the code / Mifare ID correctly
PHP-6192: [Booking] Updating connection of rides after rebooking
PHP-6193: [LogBook] Update the end time of a travel with the time the key was put bac on the vault
PHP-6214: [Booking] Booking without vault returned an error
PHP-6240: [Tracking] Fix geo coordinates format
v1.47.3 - 2021-11-22
PHP-5953: [Booking] Fix automatic rebooking not worked properly from cronjob
PHP-6074: [General] Added XSS protection for User, Travel, VaultList controllers
PHP-6075: [KeyVault] Add Validation for request input
PHP-6105: [Statistics] Catch exception to avoid interruption
PHP-6130: [Booking] Remove duplicated travels from the cost export .csv
v1.47.2 - 2021-11-11
PHP-5934: [Export] Fix rights validation on fleet logbook export
v1.47.1 - 2021-11-09
PHP-3393: [API] Fixed caching for road distance API
v1.47.0 - 2021-11-02
PHP-5970: [E-LEARNING] Added multi course support
v1.46.4 - 2021-11-09
PHP-6132: [Booking] Fix ride sorting in rebooking functionality
v1.46.3 - 2021-10-29
PHP-5667: [FM] Fm can see only own bookings
PHP-5984: [Booking] Travel cost API skips some travels in calculation
PHP-6125: [Booking] Travel cost API calculates NoShow for co-drivers
PHP-6126: [Booking] Adopt end time for co-drivers
v1.46.2 - 2021-10-18
PHP-6061: [SSO] Set default driver role
PHP-6090: [Export] Fix wrong start address in PDF export
PHP-6108: [Admin] Fix wrong tick calculation
v1.46.1 - 2021-10-14
PHP-5642: [Booking] Mark vaultAccess as deleted by resourceBooking for all vaults at the same company location
PHP-6060: [Vehicle] Fix unlock-relock issue
PHP-6069: [Booking] Automatically adopt booking time for passenger
PHP-6087: [Login] Fix check of user-right without session
PHP-6089: [Import] Fix import gender mapping
v1.46.0 - 2021-10-11
PHP-5748: [FM] Temporary access to FM rights
PHP-5754: [General] Change sender address to noreply@
PHP-6029: [LogBook] Displayed KMs differ from QuickStatistics
PHP-6036: [Export] Improve trip invoice API performance
PHP-6040: [Export] Improve escaping in PDF generation
PHP-6041: [Export] Improve naming strategy for PDF generation
PHP-6055: [Booking] Prevent start&stop address check for tempAccess bookings in order to fail by exception
PHP-6057: [Booking] Prevent data loss in booking mask
PHP-6070: [Vehicle] “Lock vehicle” sends wrong code
IS-100: [IMPORT] automate synchronisation between FleetX and CARSYNC Portal users
v1.45.0 - 2021-09-28
PHP-4601: [Vehicle] Implementation to instantly configure LogBoxes on vehicle creation
PHP-5431: [KeyVault] Update iButton tenant connection
PHP-5727: [Importer] Fix importer ignores user state
PHP-5796: [LicenseCheck] Driver license check fixing wrong vault location
PHP-5865: [Export] Customer can’t see all vehicles
PHP-5865: [Export] Passengers not appear in booking costs export
PHP-5888: [LicenseCheck] Fix escalation emails sent twice
PHP-5955: [Importer] Fix mobile phone comparison
PHP-5965: [Booking] Fix missing values in lending contract form
PHP-5972: [Booking] Add comment field in booking calendar depending on settings
PHP-5981: [Booking] Forbid driver to delete travel as soon key was taken from vault
PHP-5983: [Booking] Improve time calculation base for travelCost API
PHP-5993: [Admin] Improve admin tool for trips
PHP-6027: [Infrastructure] Fix evaluation of the host system IP
PHP-6039: [User] Old create user view error
v1.44.5 - 2021-09-15
PHP-5931: [Infrastructure] Extend IP whitelist for cost API
PHP-6005: [SSO] Fix App login via SSO for some customers
v1.44.4 - 2021-09-10
PHP-5914: [Importer] Setting correct value to ExtraInfo column
v1.44.3 - 2021-09-07
PHP-5642: [KeyVault] Set vault item access to deleted if key taken controlled by setting
PHP-5965: [Booking] Fix missing values in lending contract form
v1.44.5 - 2021-09-15
PHP-5931: [Infrastructure] Extend IP whitelist for cost API
PHP-6005: [SSO] Fix App login via SSO for some customers
v1.44.4 - 2021-09-10
PHP-5914: [Importer] Setting correct value to ExtraInfo column
v1.44.3 - 2021-09-07
PHP-5642: [KeyVault] Set vault item access to deleted if key taken controlled by setting
v1.44.2 - 2021-09-03
PHP-5728: [Importer] Always treat the P number in the same way
PHP-5749: [Logbook] Export of mixed trips doesn’t show time
PHP-5788: [Booking] Fix send email to fm on every new booking
PHP-5874: [User] Account Activation E-mail for use wrong URL
v1.44.1 - 2021-08-25
PHP-4946: [Booking] rental agreement
PHP-5138: [LicenseCheck] Fix FaceTime records does not show up in FSK list
PHP-5360: [General] Added limit exceeded for Vehicle autocomplete
PHP-5374: [Booking] Fix insert reason for cancellation in rejection email
PHP-5607: [User] 2FA naming from “CarSync” to “CARSYNC”
PHP-5640: [Booking] NoShow cost calculation takes wrong date on multi day bookings
PHP-5682: [Booking] Vehicle aren’t selectable at the correct location
PHP-5742: [Booking] Show warning if key isn’t returned on damage report
PHP-5792: [SSO] SSO login changes attributes
PHP-5813: [Infrastructure] add a new PDF Service
PHP-5818: [Booking] skip bookings without key put event in travel cost api
PHP-5868: [Admin] Implemented additional fields for “Create trip” form
PHP-5899: [Booking] rental agreement adjustments
PHP-5908: [Settings] Parameter breaks API requests
PHP-5919: [Fleetmanagement] Customer can not see all vehicles in Fahrtenbuchexport
v1.44.0 - 2021-08-12
PHP-5462: Send sms to reset ticks on connection and disconnection
PHP-5723: Added link to course in lms escalation
PHP-5731: Add cancel tmp booking functionality
PHP-5813: Update PDF generation
PHP-4946: Rental contract in booking
v1.43.5 - 2021-08-03
PHP-5704: Fix error message is not intelligible
PHP-5219: Error message when filtering in the booking overview
PHP-5681: Fix OBD Quality Overview use WS 3 trips
PHP-5557: Fix fuel consumption and company are interchanged in the fleet book
PHP-5843: Remove trailing domain from specific SSO logins
v1.43.4 - 2021-07-28
PHP-5811: Add additional password expire information for mobile login
PHP-5521: Fix welcome email is sent although check box is deactivated
PHP-5686: Fix display bug in settings table
PHP-5585: OBD plug mileage jumps solved
v1.43.3 - 2021-07-19
PHP-5711: Fix user filter in the license check list
PHP-5623: Fix license plate in the mail
PHP-5579: Fix Vehicle-Filter for license stations doesn’t work
PHP-5663: Fix internal server error when creating new users
PHP-5802: Fix SSO - CSV Importer - nulled mobile number
PHP-5641: implemented booking_minimal_duration setting
v1.43.2 - 2021-07-07
PHP-5429: Fix a problem handling iButton connections
v1.43.1 - 2021-06-24
PHP-5747: SSO for mobile apps
v1.43 - 2021-05-31
PHP-5732: Popup when session expire
PHP-4290: Family field in trip invoice
PHP-5730: Family and work/home trips recognition
PHP-5646: Connect new delivery
v1.42.6 - 2021-05-28
PHP-5734: Very close addresses deliver distance 0 from maps API when merged
v1.42.5 - 2021-05-21
PHP-5720: fix replacement car selection for rebooking
v1.42.4 - 2021-05-19
PHP-5587: Fix damagereport mail and damage entries
PHP-5639: Only send damage report from tablet to fm with right damagereportatvaultmanager
PHP-5703: Fix travelcosts at month spanning bookings
PHP-5706: Travelcosts take cost center from organizationalId
v1.42.3 - 2021-05-12
PHP-5707: FM sees parent divisions in pdf export list
PHP-5692: Display unlock icon in vehicle list and send sms after unlock request
v1.42.3 - 2021-05-06
PHP-5445: Export travelcosts as csv file
PHP-5565: Show alert information for invalid traveler in booking form
PHP-5452: fixing booking adjustment issue due to change traveler
PHP-5689: New setting to show virtual costs popover in booking vehicle listing
v1.42.2 - 2021-04-29
PHP-5664: Don’t extend travel if other user brings back key
v1.42.1 - 2021-04-27
PHP-5234: FSK last E-Mail sent wrongly displayed red
PHP-5300: User is marked with no valid license check, although he did it
v1.42.0 - 2021-04-22
PHP-5648: Corrected noShow state in booking list
PHP-5673: remove old code of location based access
PHP-5599: don’t add booking end margin to vault item access
PHP-4812: LMS Full Release
v1.41.0 - 2021-04-15
PHP-5660: Adapt temporary Access for location based opening
PHP-5643: Block temporary access from travelcosts
PHP-5640: Improve noShow handling of travelcosts
PHP-5662: LMS cronjobs and frontend+api controller
v1.40.1 - 2021-03-30
PHP-5588: Fix possible null-reference to resource booking in js
PHP-5523: Fix Single-Logout
v1.40.0 - 2021-03-29
PHP-5390: Add critical damage timer in damage list
PHP-5588: Show temporary access bookings as usetype business in booking list / cursor pointer on hovering booking in cal
PHP-5523: Add auth server configuration
PHP-5582: Fixed display bug in travel possibilities table
v1.39.0 - 2021-03-22
PHP-5112: Emergency notifications system
PHP-5592: Backend for flutter app
PHP-5424: Show “no show cost” hint in booking confirmation mail
PHP-5433: travels should only be calculated when key is back
PHP-5581: Adjusted text in booking confirmation mail for no-show part
PHP-5556: Include costs in car assigned mail
PHP-5598: Fix time calculation error
PHP-5573: Location based opening
v1.38.5 - 2021-03-18
PHP-5433: travels should only be calculated when key is back
PHP-5568: License plate is missing after rebooking
PHP-5469: collect more information for travelcosts
v1.38.4 - 2021-03-12
PHP-4345: Display title for temporary access changed to business
PHP-5424: Add no-show hint in booking created mail
v1.38.3 - 2021-03-09
PHP-5433: change booking extending and travelcost behaviour
v1.38.2 - 2021-02-25
PHP-5472: Typo in booking input-label
PHP-5442: Secure travel shortening/extension
PHP-5275: Vault name is missing in vault-event email
PHP-5432: Travel cost API returns end of month as date for partly calculated travels
PHP-5460: Fix cancellation of booking
v1.38.1 - 2021-02-16
PHP-5287: Divisions for PDF export don’t load
PHP-5448: Shorten booking mails are sent multiple times
v1.38.0 - 2021-02-10
PHP-5137: Fix PHP warning user profile
PHP-5315: Rename vehicle property
PHP-5361: Add field “comment” to FSK export
PHP-5199: Ignore SSO users when forcing password change
PHP-4091: PID A6 Integration
PHP-4001: Clean up data after 12 years
PHP-5222: fix of uppercase emails in sap importer
v1.37.1 - 2021-02-05
PHP-5359: Allow leading spaces in OBD batch command
PHP-5387: Extend travel at late key return
PHP-5371: Add validation layer for email in OAuth SSO requests
PHP-5365: Rebooking checks the wrong address column
PHP-5271: Success message for time-/geofencing is not expressed correctly
PHP-5016: Select options contain empty b-Tags
PHP-5408: Company location is not selectable as travel destination
v1.37.0 - 2021-01-20
PHP-5094: Fehlermeldungen für Fahrzeugterminbuchung angepasst
PHP-5326: Tax calculation company filter doesn’t work
PHP-5049: Newly imported users from a specific client must not receive escalation mails
PHP-5202: Delete tax calculation files
PHP-5181: Tax calculation email setting
PHP-5362: Fix wrong offset in booking calendar
PHP-5049: Newly imported users from a specific client must not receive escalation mails
PHP-5181: Tax calculation email setting
v1.37.1 - 2021-02-02
PHP-5362: Fix wrong offset in booking calendar
PHP-5393: Page title menu differ
PHP-5389: Fix wrong cost selection for long travels
PHP-5388: Exclude merged trips from driven km calculation of booking
PHP-5364: Add cost information to booking created email
PHP-5381: Csv export - id hw is not exported on re-mounted cars
v1.37.0 - 2021-01-20
PHP-5094: Fehlermeldungen für Fahrzeugterminbuchung angepasst
PHP-5326: Tax calculation company filter doesn’t work
PHP-5115: Shorten booking when returning key earlier email is sent twice - fixed
PHP-4690: Wrong email is sent, after key has been returned earlier than expected - fixed
PHP-4926: Stornierte Buchungen (noShow) noch sichtbar
PHP-4869: Automatic cancellation of a booking if the key is not picked up does not cancel the booking - fixed
PHP-4944: worker_rejectBooking überarbeiten
PHP-5373: Korrektur Buchungszeit nach noShow
v1.36.0 - 2021-01-15
PHP-5347: Fix bug in temporary access booking with missing vault item
PHP-4338: Booking notifications also available as SMS
PHP-4947: Freischaltung der Nutzungsbedingungen für die einfache Buchung
PHP-5131: Change the picture of the Fahrerkarte
PHP-5068: Front end for “Mitarbeiterausweis”
PHP-5320: enable NoShow column to booking export / fix rejectBooking
PHP-4339: Cost info in booking mails (before and after)
PHP-5301: Remove tyre type from booking confirmation calendar event
v1.35.1 - 2021-01-15
PHP-5342: Filter “Auch Manualgetriebe” doesn’t work
PHP-5307: Pflichtfeld in der Buchung defekt
PHP-5337: User list export shows role numbers but not the names
PHP-5265: KM-Anpassen bei Logbox - unverständlicher Fehler aus Nutzersicht
PHP-5228: “Vertragsnummer” gets deleted from leasing contracts
PHP-5285: Typo in the complex booking
PHP-5189: Booking times in calendar are not correct
PHP-4754: Fixed mileage start stop in the CSV export
PHP-5030: expiration date formatted in the driving licence list and in the CSV export
PHP-4338: Booking notification also available as sms
v1.35.0 - 2021-01-07
PHP-5223: Extend the user import
PHP-4945: Travel numeration
PHP-4330: Vehicles can have a maximum booking duration limit
PHP-3913: Doppelanlage muss vermieden werden
PHP-5148: Restoring vehicle escalation
PHP-5274: rebooking creates too many emails
PHP-5290: Flottenmanager werden durch fehlenden Range-Header bei Travelpossibilities eingeschränkt - fixed
PHP-5220: Fahrzeugterminliste umgekehrt sortieren - Terminverlängerung ermöglichen